One of the main thrusts of the Friends of the Cultural Concerns of the Philippines is to provide scholarships to Filipino Youth who are in dire need of financial assistance to push through with their tertiary education specializing in the field of Music and Arts.
FCCP believes that through this project, we are helping our nation to guide aspiring artists to serve the Filipino people… future Filipino Artists who would passionately advocate to preserve and enrich our cultural heritage through their skills, talents, and masterpieces that they would create.
This has been proven true to one of the FCCP Scholars, Nathan Samuel B. Gimena. These are the photos taken during his Recital last May 8, 2019 at the UST Recital Hall 2, Albergus Magnus Building, University of Sto. Tomas, Manila.

From left to right: Prof. Raul Sunico, Grace Soong, Bert Basilio, Nathan Samuel B. Gimena, FCCP President Mimi Valerio, FCCP Past President Nonie Basilio, Nikki Valerio.

From left to right: Prof. Raul Sunico, FCCP Scholar John Paul Mendoza, FCCP Scholar Nathan Samuel Gemina, FCCP President Mimi Valerio, FCCP Scholarship Chairperson Nonie Basilio.

A proud moment. The photo shows the family of Nathan together with his Mother, Chelo Gemina, who is a ballet dancer, his Father, his Brother, and his baby nephew.