To all the members of the Friends for Cultural Concerns of the Philippines who are here today, and to the newly elected FCCP officers, to our distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon.
It is my great pleasure, and with earnest enthusiasm, to introduce to you the theme of my presidency on this very special year, our RUBY anniversary – 40 wonderful years of FCCP existence!!!
Our theme is…
R.U.B.Y. Cultural Awareness
R stands for Revisit,
U for Uplift,
B for Broaden and
Y for Your, Cultural Awareness.
Revisit, Uplift, Broaden, Your Cultural Awareness…

This is in line with the very words of Jawahar-lal Nehru… the first Prime Minister of independent India, who emphasized that for his country to thrive, they, as leaders, must work on how their culture shall evolve, from the closed mindedness apartheid has caused, to a truly free and progressive people, whose minds, hearts, whose will and desire, shall catapult India to become a world power in the future. Nehru said, “Culture is the widening of the mind and of the spirit.”

We, in FCCP, as we progress in our quest to become even more relevant in this day and age, we have to Revisit our essence as an organization concerned with culture.
Are we widening the mind and the spirit of our community, and of our brothers and sisters in our society?
We have to answer this question, if we intend to bring this organization to new heights of vibrancy and greater success.
By the very name of our organization, we must Uplift our cultural concerns. Such that, as we continue, and even expand, our support for the formal training and education of our scholars in music, dance and visual arts…
We must also Broaden the scope of our role in the cultural development of the Philippines, for that is who we really are… the true Friends for Cultural Concerns of the Philippines!!!
We must proactively, purposefully plan and act on a new blueprint on how FCCP can contribute more – to deepening people’s understanding and Awareness of what makes up a great culture, that can in turn can make us better people… and a better nation, a better Philippines.
We shall continue, but at the same time, level up, from cultural arts appreciation to how we, as FCCP, can influence the enrichment of cultural arts in this country.

We call upon all the current members to actively participate… and we shall also continue to recruit younger members, in pursuit of our quest to generate exciting new endeavors, to add on to what we have traditionally been doing, and bring FCCP to greater heights and new significance.
There is a need to halt cultural deterioration… by becoming influencers and creators of a positive, blossoming Filipino cultural arts.
To quote an unnamed professor of History, “We cannot be bound to our atrocious past, we cannot say we are impoverished because of our culture… we should not accept that we are just products of our cultural circumstances, for we are the creators of our culture.”